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Beyond the Classroom Counseling

At Home Counseling Activities

See below for apps that can be useful for teaching students about feelings, calming down, and other things.

  1. FOCUS On the Go! - Helps students identify feelings and gather tools to use for calming through game play.
  2. TF-CBT Triangle of Life - Students learn how thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are related.
  3. iTouchiLearn Feelings for Preschool Kids Free - Helpful for students who do not recognize facial expressions.
  4. Stop, Breathe & Think Kids - Helps students learn calming techniques and refocus.
  5. GoNoodle - Kids Videos - Offers videos on calming, hyperactivty, and more.
  6. Professor Garfield Forms of Media - Students learn about the different forms of media and how to safely use them.
  7. Professor Garfield Cyberbullying - Teaches students types of bullying and ways to report
  8. Professor Garfield Online Safety - Teaches students about online safety.

See below for websites that could be useful in teaching character education and other developmental skills.

Please see the resource below for help talking with children about COVID-19 and to reduce stress

COVID Resource

Kuder Galaxy is an online career awareness tool for grades Pk-5th. Free for a limited time. Register below.

Kuder Galaxy

Watch Kelso's Choice free until June 30th - you can sign up for a free 90-day trial of their digital library with access to videos on bullying, cliques, digital safety and more. No credit card information required. Kelso is about a frog making choices regarding conflict management. To watch the animated series, click the first link "Kelso Videos". To watch role-play videos, click "Kelso Live Action".

Kelso Videos

Kelso Live Action

Checkout the link below for a free website that has several activities and videos that focus on calming, focusing skills, and much more.


See the site below for Howard B. Wigglebottom lessons. Lessons include bullying, sharing, following directions, manners, grief, and more.

Howard B. Wigglebottom

Visit Sesame Street for resources on divorce, grief, health, incarceration, hygiene and more. 

Sesame Street

Character Tree is offering parents a free subscription until June 30th for 32 character education lessons. It includes videos, printable resources and activities, along with puppet shows.

Sign up here

Prek-6th website by Sanford Harmony that promotes social-emotional learning through peer relations, communication, collaboration, and respect that can be taught at home.

Sanford Harmony

EVERFI is offering free digital lessons for K-12 students. It offers a wide variety of topics - financial education, health and wellness, career readiness, reading literacy, social emotional learning, and STEM


Juniors and Seniors can visit the following social media sites for information regarding FAFSA, scholarships, and financial aid.

Facebook.  TwitterInstagram

See below for resources regarding reading, math, and science skill builders over the summer.

Summer Resource Ideas